The following descriptions correspond to the generality of the techniques used and accepted by most experts and Associations of the sector.

Major Auto hemotherapy

It is the ultimate way to apply sufficient doses to obtain systemic effects on multiple diseases, because it allows a wide range of dosages. With total asepsis and small doses of anticoagulant, these are extracted, in a closed sterile disposable system, and treated with medical ozone, a 100-150 cc. of the patient’s blood, after which it is retransfused immediately. Usually can be done in 10-15 minutes.



Minor Auto hemotherapy

About 10 cc. of the patient’s blood are extracted, mixed with 10 cc. of ozone, and injected intramuscularly, usually in the buttocks. Some inject only the blood and others, also the gas.


Rectal Insufflation

Place a suitable probe rectally, inert to ozone, about 15 cm. deep. Medical ozone is loaded into a syringe adequate enough to guarantee the accuracy of measuring volume and insufflate slowly from 50 to 300 cc. When using a lubricant, it must be absorbent, silicone type.

Vaginal Insufflation

A suitable probe, inert to ozone, is placed deep in the vagina. Medical ozone is loaded into a syringe adequate to guarantee the accuracy of measuring volume and insufflate slowly from 30 to 50 cc. If a lubricant is used, it must be absorbent, silicone type. If necessary, it can be insufflated a greater volume.


Local or External

Isolate the area with a plastic bag or plastic accessory inert to ozone, which has an adapter for connection to the ozone machine. With the machine itself the air from the interior of the bag is extracted and a current of medical ozone is injected into it, to fill the bag, but without it getting too tense. The connecting track is closed, separates it from the machine and is maintained by the atmosphere created to complete 20-30 minutes of treatment. After that, reconnect the vacuum of the machine (equipped with catalyst), the remaining ozone is removed, and take away the bag.



Intradermal injection

Ozone is loaded into a syringe (up to 50 cc.) and injected intradermally with a mesotherapeutic needle, distributing it to the desired area, in portions of 1-2 cc. by point.

Intramuscular injection

Ozone is taken into a syringe (10 to 20 cc.) and injected slowly into the muscle, with an intramuscular needle of 4 cm. as thin as possible. Can be done, even in the paraspinal muscles.

Intra-articular injection

Ozone is taken into a syringe (5 to 20 cc., depending on the joint) and injected very slowly into the joint capsule, with a 4 cm needle thin.Inyección


Peri-articular injection

Ozone is taken into a syringe (10-20 cc.) and injected intradermally with a mesotherapeutic needle, distributing it in small volumes around the peri-articular area.


Intradiscal injection

Brief description: Must be carried out in the operating room with a brightness amplifier. In general, a special needle is used that can penetrate the disk from a percutaneous approach, to then inject part of the intradiscal ozone, after which the needle is removed to channel level and/or the foramen, where the rest of the ozone is injected . Training is required.



Depending on the individual diagnosis and the patient’s particular condition, one or more means of combined implementation can be used. The number and frequency of application depends on the above, as well as the patient evolution, the technique applied, etc. It usually takes between 5 and 15 sessions, with the exception of the intradiscal, which is usually applied once, and in some cases repetition may be required.


Patients suffering from a significant deficit of the glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (favism). Should not receive this treatment, as oxidative hemolysis of red blood cells may occur, for not possessing these protective systems against oxidation.


In some unusual situations (decompensation) in patients with hyperthyroidism and thrombocytopenia, severe cardiovascular instability, (block, Wolff-Parkinson-White) in convulsive status and hemorrhagic episodes.

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